Tariff Schedules

IDFA has compiled the tariff schedules for the top ten US dairy export destinations, as well as the tariff schedule for the European Union (EU). Tariff schedules show what tariff will be applied to a specific product being exported to a certain country. To use a tariff schedule, you typically need two pieces of information: the country from which you are exporting the product and the H.S. code for your product. For almost any member of IDFA, the country of origin is the United States. As for the H.S. code, it is a series of numbers that designates a specific product. While there is some similarity between countries for the H.S. code of a product, it is important to verify you have the H.S. code for the country to which you wish to export. Additionally, the US is a member of the World Trade Organization, so tariffs that say they apply to WTO or MFN (Most-favored Nation), apply to the US.

In the below list, countries designated with an asterisk (*) hold a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States. For these countries, you can visit the What's My Tariff? Export Page to find the tariff for the specific product you are exporting. For example, many products exporting to Mexico have a much lower tariff than is listed on their schedule because of NAFTA.

Additionally, you can sign up with just an email here to access “Tariff information for shipments that originate and ship from any country to any country in the CUSTOMS Info Global Tariff database.” You can also find data on all WTO-member countries here.

Mexico* (Spanish only)
Source: Mexico Undersecretariat for Industry and National Trade

Source: The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service

Source: The World Trade Organization Tariff Download Facility

South Korea*

Source: Korea Customs Service

Source: Japan Customs

For dairy items specifically, go here.
Source: Republic of The Philippines Tariff Commission

Source: Australian Government Department of Home Affairs


Source: Kementerian Keuangan Direktorat Jenderal Dea Dan Cukai

Source: Vietnam Customs

Tariff Rate Quotas for Malaysia
Source: Foreign Trade Information System

European Union
Source: European Commission Trade Market Access Database